Last summer I had a client approach me about building a WordPress website for a new product launch. They were in the beginning stages of launching on Kickstarter and Indie GoGo. I recommended a simple 1-page WP theme to give a quick, concise overview of the product and the team behind it. After some research the Zerif theme was one of the top recommendations.
After installing the lite version I found many features I needed access to were not available so I purchased the Pro version of Zerif from ThemeIsle. Everything from the team call out section, contact us, product features area all worked great. I ran into a slight issue when loading a video as the red/green buttons covered important elements. I had to work with a WordPress developer to be able to relocate the buttons down closer to the video.
For the WordPress themes I have used, I would rate the Zerif Pro as a highly recommended theme for a 1-pager. Very intuitive on where to add items on the back end. Very stable. Very impressive product.
Need to see for yourself? Try out the Zerif Pro Demo.